Ya know when you're just having one of 'those' days? It's like... every. single. thing. goes wrong, everyone is annoying, everything is horrible and you just want to do some combination of cry, sleep, & eat all at once. Yep. We've all been there. Well, I had one of these days last week. ...
The New Hustle + Halcyon
Hi ladies!! As you probably noticed, Hustle + Halcyon has gotten a little makeover. Tryin' something a little new. Here's whats different: My NEW 'Home' page includes an image slider, linkage to the blog, about, and contact pages, and a newsletter opt-in! ( if you haven't signed up to ...
Fall Lip Color: Neiman Marcus x Bobbi Brown
Is it just me or did this weekend just flash by in about .5 seconds? I feel like it didn't actually happen. Odd. Welp, I've finally gotten around to incorporating a beauty post into my posting schedule, which is so so rare. I'm extremely minimal when it comes to makeup because 1) I'm not ...
I’m Addicted to My Planner: How to Organize Your Whole Life Using ONE Agenda
Ugh. Monday. Back to real life. I had the BEST TIME in New York this weekend for a little bit of fashion week action! I only got to experience the very very start of NYFW this year, because I had to have my butt in an 8 AM class on this lovely ( bleh ) Monday morning, but the short trip was ...
How-To: Mermaid Appeal
zOMG. Hi. I'm pretty ECSTATIC to share one of my favorite ( & most beautiful ) brands ever today: Mermaid Perfume. A little background here: Though I pride myself on being a Texas-loving TEXAN ( currently living in California ), I was born in Florida. Are ya still with me??? My constant ...
8 Quotes to Celebrate Your Best Friends & Badass Family
Hi peeps. So today, I'm dedicating a post to all of the AMAZE people in my life. Really.... y'all rock. I've always been one to have a few very close friends, as opposed to a large group of 'good' friends. It's just how I've always been, and it's grown even more apparent as I've gotten older. ...