Lately, I've been trying desperately to shed off a couple of extra pounds ( I mean, aren't we all in the same boat here? ). I'm not necessarily trying to fight the fat off to look good, but rather, to feel good. I'm all about the be-on-with-yourself, zen, mind-body-spirit thing that goes along with ...
Brown Sugar Baked Peaches :: A Skinny Dessert
I finally got around to making these little peach concoctions ( ran across the recipe on Pinterest forever ago ) the other day, and let me tell you, they were so much better than I expected. I mean, they look amazing, so let the fact that they were BETTER than they look be a little hint that you ...
Simple & Quick Salmon Recipe
My favorite thing about finally being back in my own home ( w/ my wonderful roommates, of course ) after a crazy summer? My kitchen. I've eaten out way too much during all the traveling I've done recently... because its so much easier when you're constantly on the go / in a hotel. So, now I'm ...
My Fav Summer “Salad”
I have a confession to make :: I have been a salad hater for, pretty much, ever. Something about eating lettuce and vegetables as a meal has never sat right with me. Technically, I'm not sure if you can call this little concoction a salad.. but thats what I'm going with. The most important thing ...
Some Seriously Good Salsa
I'm a fan of this one. A reallll big fan. First of all, I like homemade anything better than store bought for two reasons: 1. I know exactly what is going into what I am eating and 2. I'm a control-freak, so the fact that I get to alter the recipe to my liking is a huge plus. Also, its ...
Juice Cleanse :: The Dirty Deets
I FINALLY unpacked my always-packed suitcase and got the chance to sit my azz on the couch and watch cheesy crime shows all day. For pretty much the first time this summer, I had nowhere to be and nothing to do. Peace. I decided this would be the best time to veg out, relax, do a juice cleanse, ...